Pasted events
28 — 29/05/2024

MobiliT.Ai 2024

IA pour les systèmes critiques appliqués à la mobilité


IVADO, IRT Saint Exupéry, IID, CRIAQ and ANITI are organizing the 5th edition of the MobiliT.AI forum on May 28 and 29, 2024.

Come and meet experts at the crossroads of artificial intelligence and mobility. This 5th edition of the MobiliT.AI forum will host numerous panels, presentations and round tables, led by leading industry players. This year’s themes are privacy by design, reliability, explicability and robustness.

This international event brings together a community of experts in Artificial Intelligence for mission-critical systems in the transport and mobility sectors (aeronautics, automotive, rail, space, drones, etc.). This community is made up of academic and industrial researchers and Tech companies, as well as experts in operational safety and critical embedded systems engineering.

This year’s themes are confidentiality by design, reliability, explicability and robustness.

Where and when

Date and time

Tue, 28 May. 2024 - Wed, 29 May. 2024

8:30am - 5:30pm


HEC Montréal, Édifice Hélène-Desmarais 501, rue de la Gauchetière Ouest, Montréal (QC) H2Z 1Z5

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