Pasted events

CRIAQ 2024 Annual General Assembly


Mark your calendars now for our Annual General Meeting on June 19! The day promises to be rich in exchanges and strategic discussions within our network.

The event will take place at Hôtel 10, 10 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, starting at 8:30 a.m. This AGA promises to be a privileged opportunity to discuss the advances and challenges facing our industry, as well as to actively participate in defining our future orientations. You will also have the opportunity to meet Guillaume Côté, our new CEO, and Philippe Couillard, the new Chairman of our Board of Director.

We look forward to seeing you there for a day rich in exchanges, discoveries and encounters. Reserve your place today! Registration is required to take part.

Preliminary program

8:30: Welcome of participants + breakfast
9:30 am: AGM begins
10:30 am: Networking break
11h00: Presentations
12h00: Lunch & Networking
1:00 pm: End of event

Please note that the agenda is subject to slight modifications.

Where and when

Date and time

Wed, 19 Jun. 2024

8:30am - 1:00pm


Hôtel 10, 10, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal

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